
Useless content is too expensive a hobby

It’s one thing to set goals, but another to stick to them. Thanks to Contesaur, you always keep an accurate overview of all your content.

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Every content fits into the puzzle

Every content fits into the puzzle

All marketing content is created for a purpose – or at least it should be. That’s why you should always fill in the Details on the content card, i.e., what channel, what buying stage, for what persona, and for what product or service the content is being created. In addition, you can add a custom label or keywords.

Reporting of results and progress

Keep tabs on the past, future, and present with Statistics. You instantly see how much content has been created in any given period and its state. Learn which Channels, Products, Personas, and sales funnel stages (STDC) you focus on more and which ones you’re forgetting. Tags serve as your insights over campaigns and Tasks to keep track of team allocations. You also observe how the content performed in the Reviews.

What's been successful and what failed

Look back at all your content activities and evaluate what worked. Did your fliers, newsletter, blog, or social media posts pay off? What about that podcast that cost a ton of money? Once the content is in the Published status, it opens up the opportunity to rate it. Add review stars, or enter any details that are important to you. You can then filter the content based on the number of stars to determine what to do again and what to avoid.

Filters + Strategy =❤️

Wondering how much content you have planned for next month’s Think stage for the Student persona and the Toothpaste product? You’ll find an advanced filter above each calendar view. Then, above the List view, you’ll find a Group By feature where you can enter any sorting for the selected data. Of course, you can also combine filters.

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Contesaur was developed by a content agency based on its know-how. See what it can do.


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