
The subscription that grows with you

We have a plan for everyone – whether you’re just starting out or a seasoned content pro. Start for free and pay based on how many projects you manage in Contesaurus.
7-Day Free Trial. No obligations, no payment details.
Save 2 months with yearly billing!

Solo Dino

8 EUR / per company per month without VAT
80 EUR / per company per year without VAT
👤 1 user
Add Your Heading Text Here

Triassic Team

21 EUR / per company per month without VAT
210 EUR / per company per year without VAT
👤 Up to 10 users

Jurassic Crew

38 EUR / per company per month without VAT
380 EUR / per company per year without VAT
👤 Up to 25 users

Content T-Rex

Tailor-made quotation
👤 Over 25 users
Need many more companies or specific features? We will prepare a customized price offer for you.

Solo Dino

8 EUR / per company per month without VAT
80 EUR / per company per year without VAT
👤 1 user
Add Your Heading Text Here

Triassic Team

21 EUR / per company per month without VAT
210 EUR / per company per year without VAT
👤 Up to 10 users

Jurassic Crew

38 EUR / per company per month without VAT
380 EUR / per company per year without VAT
👤 Up to 25 users

Content T-Rex

Tailor-made quotation
👤 Over 25 users
Need many more companies or specific features? We will prepare a customized price offer for you.

Not sure if Contesaur suits you?

Understood; we’d be happy to walk you through the Contesaur app on a quick 30 min call. Let’s discuss your current processes and needs and find out how Contesaur could help you.

Discount for Contesaur users

When you purchase the Contesaur app for a year, you get to consult with a marketing agency Pretty Much Nomads for 50% off!

Price per consultation: 120 EUR 60 EUR / hour excluding VAT

When we discovered Contesaur it felt like living in prehistory and one day suddenly waking up in modern times. We got used to Contesaur pretty quickly, and we enjoy its new features.

Martin Mikeska, Press & Communications Manager at CAFT

If you’d also like to gain a strategic overview of your content and have long-term plans, statistics, and daily tasks all in the same place, then Contesaur is a must-have app for your workflow!

Monika Hušková,
Freelance Copywriter

Contesaur is the long-awaited tool that encapsulates our work's total complexity and strategy. Plus, transitioning to Contesaur from Excel saves every team member a full hour of work every week.

Vladana Bačová, CEO of the content marketing agency Pretty Much Nomads www.prettymuchnomads.com

What you often ask us

What does "company" mean in a pricing plan?

Company is any new environment you set up. Here are some examples:

    • Marketing agency = each client has its own environment: 3 clients = 3 Companies
    • Multinational company = each market has its own environment: 3 markets / languages / countries = 3 Companies
    • Entrepreneur = each project has its own environment: 3 projects (e.g. book e-shop, consulting and apartment rentals) = 3 companies
    • Influencer = their brand: 1 Company
Can I cancel my subscription at any time?

Yes, you do not commit to using Contesaura until the end of time. You can stop your subscription anytime, and we won’t charge you for another month.

What languages is the Contesaur app in?

Dinosaurs now speak English and Czech. If you’re interested in another language, get in touch, and maybe we can work something out!

I have more questions.

Email us at info@contesaur.com, and we’ll be happy to answer any questions!


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