Make money with dinos!
10% discount for your client and 20% in your pocket. Win-win like a T-Rex!
How does it work?
- Let us know you want to join the dinosaur pack.
- We'll sign you up and create a custom discount code for you.
- Anyone who uses your code when ordering the Contesaur app will get a 10% discount.
- Once payment is received, we'll send you 20% of the amount paid.
Who can join?
Are you a freelance content marketer or an agency? Do you have one or more clients that could use a Contesaur app? Do you have a blog or a community? Are you a content marketing influencer? Well, great, join forces with us! We support everything except parasitic PPC ads.
Resources to use
Want to promote your Contesaur discount and get a better chance of earning? Great, feel free to use our logos and other graphics. Just remember, you have to protect our good dinosaur name!
Join the pack
What's coming next for Contesaur?
Pretty Much Nomads s.r.o.
Chudenicka 1059/30, Hostivar, 102 00 Prague 10
CRN: 09083863
VAT: CZ09083863
This is a limited liability company registered in the Commercial Register since April 8, 2020, reference number: C 330591, Responsible Court: Municipal Court in Prague.
Questions at
Support at

This project was implemented with the financial support of the Technology Incubation Programme.
Copyright © 2023 Pretty Much Nomads